respond to champions

Champions Church wants to hear from you.  We exist to minister the power of God, and there's no such thing as ministry without people.  We love people!  People are at the top of our priority list.  When someone walks through our church door, we get excited and welcome that person with the love and kindness of God.  There is a strong temptation in every church to become cliquish, but this is highly destructive.  The closer we get to God, the greater our capacity to enlarge our circle of love and find room for people in our hearts.  People must come before programs and church traditions.

The Champions Response Form is a lifeline of communication between you and Champions Church.  Whether you need prayer or ministry, just want to praise God for what he's doing in your life, or even just to tell us you enjoyed your visit at Champions, let us know!  You can access the Response Form by clicking here or clicking the flame!