spiritual growth -
prayer & intercession
spiritual growth -
prayer & intercession
prayer & intercession
Champions Church is dedicated to being a house of prayer by raising up and relating intercessors to the ministry of prayer (Isaiah 56:7). God has designed us not only for relationship with Him through prayer, but also to cooperate with Him through prayer. Prayer is engaging, exciting and rewarding. Wherever you are in your personal prayer life, you are welcome to join Champions as we intercede to see God move in our lives, our homes, our cities, and the nations -- the rewards are eternal!
"If my people, who are called by My name will humble themselves, pray, seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and heal their land." 2 CHRONICLES 7:14
God created prayer for relationship with Him. It is an intimate form of communication that touches His heart. He modeled it for us through scripture and lives it for us through Jesus. He gave us the Holy Spirit to nurture and mature us in this gift. Prayer is an action that speaks louder than words. At Champions, it is our desire to equip and release every person, young and old, male and female, to a rich, rewarding prayer life.