mission statement

mission statement of champions

The mission of Champions Church is to help all people develop an intimate relationship with God.  We believe that programs alone cannot change people's hearts. However, an encounter with the living God always changes people.  Champions introduces people to the intimate and life-changing presence of God.  This results in God filling their lives with His life and not just with religious activities.  We worship God in a way that draws people into His presence.  Our preaching and teaching are also designed to reveal God and open the way into His presence.  Our children's and youth ministries aren't times for babysitting.  They're fun and youth-centric but also purposeful and God-focused.  Our purpose is to introduce children to the life of Jesus Christ, because we want families to experience the presence of God together.

Our mission is to give you a place to grow and receive ministry so you and your family can build a strong foundation.  We hope you are strengthened by God's word, encouraged by His people and blessed by His presence.

GOD is the One to whom all things point.  He is our target, and everything is directed towards Him.  The closer we get to Him, the more we value people.  We know He values people because of the price He paid for them.  Our primary goal is to cultivated a sincere love for God in our hearts.  We say we're all about people, because ultimately, we're all about Him.

PEOPLE are at the top of our priority list.  When someone walks through our church door, we get excited and welcome that person with the love and kindness of God.  There is a strong temptation in every church to become cliquish, but this is a scheme of the enemy.  God's desire is that no one would perish, and that all would come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).  The closer we get to God, the greater our capacity to enlarge our circle of love and find room for more people in our hearts.  People must come before programs and our own church traditions.

HELP refers to our desire to serve.  Serving others is the very definition of ministry.  Serving is a magnet that draws people to Christ.  We are born focused on ourselves, but as we get closer to God, we become more focused on serving and ministering to others.  Jesus Himself came to earth to serve, and He's the one who declared that the greatest in the Kingdom of God will be the servant of all.

DEVELOP refers to the fact that we believe discipleship is a process.  If we truly want to mature and grow as fully devoted followers of Christ, we need to faithfully attend weekend services, groups and equipping classes.  As the life of God changes us from the inside out, we will find ourselves growing rapidly in God.

INTIMATE worship brings us closer to God.  We are committed to the intimacy of God's Word as it speaks to the issues of our heart.  Intimacy is strengthened and deepened through learning and receiving His Word and Spirit each day.  We believe that God has given His Word as our daily bread.  We believe in intimate, passionate worship where we experience and commune with God each time we worship -- both corporately and individually.

RELATIONSHIP refers to emphasizing grace over law.  We believe God send His Son so we could be forgiven and have a relationship with Him.  This experience isn't religious or lifeless; it's an ongoing, living and vital relationship.  God is our Father, and we are His beloved children.  His church isn't designed to be an organization, but to be an organism -- alive and growing.